Managing Board

The Tarn Players  Managing Board is elected by members annually.

The Managing Board, and all our members, are volunteers and offer their time and skills free of charge to ensure the smooth running and success of the society.

   Current Managing Board 

    May 2024 to April 2025

Main Board Members

Founders -  Donald Douglas, Ruth Etridge

Chair - Phill Hill

Treasurer - Kevin Stark

Secretary - Ruth Etridge

Sponsorship Manager - Viviane Barnett 

Publicity Manager - Juliette Taylor Lalau

Fundraising Manager - Nichola Mossman

Social Events Manager - Ruth Etridge

General Board Member - Joanna Storr

General Board Member - Lucy Oliphant

Other roles not sitting on main board

Front of House Manager - Jenny Harris

Theatre Liaison - To be appointed

Digital Media Coordinator - Phill Hill

Publicity Distribution Coordinator - Anita Meulendijks